Wednesday 1 April 2015

Two Artist of the SAME GENRE AND STYLE as my chosen artist

Since my song genre is house I therefore reaserched through the use ofggole images different house songs. One I looked in to was Deadmau5 which is actually an artist that I have heard of but I hadn't really looked into them therefore since I like a challenge I decided to look into them. I particularly liked there front cover for the album named 4x4=12.  

This is because the front cover is  simple but effective. The mouse logo has been used which is there logo which Deadmau5 are recognised for,  In addition they have made the outline of the mouse in a neon green colour to give it the effect that its been lit up, this luminescent colour links with the house music genre as it recreates the colours used on club lighting The image of the mouse is placed in the centre of the album making it the main focus of the cover.  I hope to create this effect by having the main focus of my album cover at the centre of my album cover. The artist names and album name is located at the top of the cover so your eye is drawn straight to it naturally, moreover these names have been placed in the same neon green this means continuity is kept. which helps create a strong brand.

 Here is a magazine representing Deadmau5 note that there is brand being created as the artist does't show his, secondly the use of having the mouse head pice on, which is what deadmau5 icon and what they are recognized worldwide for. This is what deadmau5 is recognized for therefore for the sake of continuity it is important that for most of deadmau5. That is why both on his album cover and the magazine the mouse icon is displayed. 

Here is the front cover od David Guetta One love album, I have already researched David Guetta in my research and planning of codes and conventions of different house artists. This digipak represents David Guetta well as a dance artist because on the front cover it shows a mid shot of him wearing a white t-shirt and sunglasses. This picture links in with dance conventions well as he is wearing big sunglasses which connote fame and high status, also a lot of dance artist wear sunglasses indoors in their music videos such as Calvin Harris. His t-shirt which is casual clothing which links in with dance genre of being casual, this links to what costumes I want to include in my music video, of casual clothing for any guys. It is effective that he is black and white as it makes him stand out, it is similar to deadmau5 in the sense that the artist doesn't want his face fully exposed therefore he has sunglasses on to cover some of his face. The reason that he doesn't want all his face shown is that he cares more about the music instead of the fame. I may use this in my album cover by still including sunglasses as well. Secondly I have taken note as Guetta is in Black and white I may want to incorporate this in my magazine advert and/or digipak as I want to make sure that my artist does stand out as he is a new artist but I still want to follow the codes and conventions of house music. David Guetta creates a strong brand image through his sunglasses as he is associated with them, therefore recognisable. Furthermore he has another distinct feature, his long hair which also symbolises the house music genre of being relaxed.

Here is a magazine with a picture of David Guetta, as you can see he has his sunglasses on, still the same that he has on his album cover. There'r he is strengthening his brand image through the use of continuity. He also has casual lose clothing on, which is the typical dress wear for house music fans, this relates to dyer star theory as the artist links to his fans through the use of hegemony as he has a similar culture. Therefore the mix of a strong brand and the use of shared hegemony between fans and the artist it should only boost record sales. As they find more things in common and can relate to the artist.

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