Thursday 30 April 2015

Analysis of rough cut using Goodwins theory

Firstly I would say overall my rough cut does demonstrate house genre style characteristics. such as a urban setting as most house music videos are set in urban areas. Secondly I have girls that are rather good looking in my music that into the conventions. Additionally I have a vast range of strobe lights going off in numerous shots, which relates back to my target audience

I have a range of shots from close ups, mid shots, longs shots, panning shots and etc.. Usually record label request that a rang of shots are made as well as close ups on certain protagonist which I have done. 

There are interextual refrences that relate to the lyrics such as "I can't stop" relates to drug affects, such as ecstasy or MDMA. taking its affects. Therefore I have shots of people looking like they're off there faces. I have used skiing to represent the drug affect as well as being out of control however in my final cut I will make sure to edit the shots more accurately to make it more obvious to the audience that I am doing that and creating that affect and meaning.

The relationship between lyrics and visuals are key in this video as there is only one line of lyrics that repeats itself constant. Therefore I have put shots in such as car reving up on its dial. Lots of fast paced shots, skiing and relating it to being out of control and not being able to stop.

The relationship between music and visuals is key since it is a house music video so the shots needed to be edited to the beat of the music. In my rough cut I have done this however I could edit more precisely to smaller changes in the beat of the music by use of shot change, video treatment affects, etc..

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