Thursday 30 April 2015

Subsequent changes to music video

I have introduced a narrative instead of random shots with no meaning, effect or purpose. The established narrative of the main protagonist trying to remember a night out however as he is confused it is not all clear therefore it is not all in chronological order adding an interactive side to the audience that they have to pice it together.  

The music video for each shot frame is coherently edited to the beat of the music. I have also put video effects to the frame aw well as creating different colors over the shots when slight changes in the music occur. As the example is town of me as skier crashing. 

I have put more props in that link the music video to other music artist of the same genre of house music. For example there are shots of the main protagonist wearing sun glasses similar to Calvin Harris and David Guetta. As you can see here i have specifically chosen some very similar sunglasses. 

Furthermore i need to put transition shots in break up the song and to act as breakaway between the main protagonist waking up and his memories for the previous night. here is a icon between

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