Saturday 4 April 2015

Treatment- Give detailed treatment for your video- explain ideas link to target

What I am trying to create is something that does follow Goodwin's codes and conventions of music videos, however my music video will also still link to the target audience. Who would be 18-24 year olds as the primary audience. I want to create a music video that is edited to the beat of the music, with fast and exciting changes in shots with many effects included with them. I also want to create a strong relationship between lyrics and visuals, e.g "I can't stop" with displaying something that is out of control I have considered shots of skiing using a go pro camera, which displays a change in camera type, as well as camera angle.  I also will follow the codes and conventions of typical house music scenes such as clubs. Usually record labels may want close up on the artist face I will supply these shots to a certain extent with my music video however, I still have to tie in with the codes and conventions of house music shots on there artist. They tend not to show the face of there artist as house artists claim to care more about the music instead of the fame. However I do realise that some of the artist face needs to be shown to create a strong brand identity. Therefore I have found a compromise of wanting to show some of the artists face but not revealing all of it. Therefore my artist flux pavilion should still be okay.

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