Friday 1 May 2015

Magazine Rough Cut

Here is a picture of my magazine advert. I like that I have kept to Goodwin's first theory of music video and applied it to my magazine advert of my album. Music genre which is that there should be a lot of colours and lights which I have in the background. secondly The title of my magazine is "CLUBSCENE MAGAZINE". Which relates to my target audience as it is were a large proportion of house music is played. Therefore it is the type of magazine were people would appeal to my song if they were reading a magazine about house music. As it is of the same music genre, house. It does follow to a certain extent of a typical magazine advert as it does have a picture of the main protagonist, secondly it does have a picture that is very similar to the album. However I  have chose to put my magazine advert of my album on the front cover as it is more effective as it  is seen as more people and not just on some random page in a magazine. Secondly I am able to show that I understand the genre of music as I have put the name of a made up magazine but it relates to my songs genre. However what I would look to change is maybe put the picture of my artist on a different display of wear it is on my magazine advert. However I have realised that Imy magazine didn't fit in with the codes and conventions of a typical magazine advert as it looks more like a cover.Therefore for my final cut I will need to change my whole lay out and create a totally new advert. 

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