Friday 1 May 2015

Feedback for magazine rough cut and subsequent changes

I carried out an open questionnaire asking people a single question to write down the positive and negatives aspects of my magazine rough cut. I used 7 participants 6 of them were my peers the other one was my teacher. Here is the comments both negative and positive ones that were made.
Positive comments
  • The use of colour fits with the house music genre 
  • The busy colours work well with the club scene
  • The white colour fits in well over the colourful background of the club scene
  • The use of a rating for performance by VICE MAGAZINE a online magazine that we studied at as level
  • The link between the album cover and advert is effective because of its consistency and creates a brand
Negative comments
  • The mid section of the magazine with the use of the picture doesn't fit well as it looks out of place and not smooth
  • The font looks hard too see therefore I have put a black boarder around it so it is easier to see
  • There is no barcode which need to be put in
As one can see I took on these constructive criticism points and acted upon them to make my magazine better quality.

In the image of a screenshot above is the process of me improving my rough cut but putting a border on it whch helps it stand out.

However as you can see above it was not suitable magazine advert as it is  a front cover oof a magazine, therefore I changed it were you can see just the artist face I have taken away a magazine cover layout, I also brought out in "CARTOON" FONT in red the name of the artist saying out now in red italic as I felt that this would stand out and the colour red represent danger, which links to the lyrics of my song "I can't stop". As when  one think of those lyrics usually one thinks of danger. Furthermore I have put an image of iTunes in the corner as this relates to ales as most selling of albums is done online now. Furthermore most of my target audience age is between 18-24 year olds who usually use the internet more than any other average age group so iTunes is very important advertising as it will boost sales.

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