Friday 1 May 2015

Digipak explain why you chose your design

I knew that I wanted the main protagonist to be on the cover as I felt this is important to help build a strong robust brand identity. I wanted glasses on my main protagonist as other house artists such as Calvin Harris has them. Therefore I am relating to other artist of the same genre meaning that I'll attract a larger pool of possible fans. I also wanted to have a club background as it become relatable to fans of house music and those who are young adults. Furthermore in the video there is many scenes of clubs therefore it was also important to have a congruency between my digipak and my music video.

Here is a screen shot me using Photoshop on my album cover.
I rejected this shots as the glasses didn't fit in well as I coloured out the reflection of the computer monitor when I took a picture however it wasn't good move to put it all black. secondly the artist looks to pale nor looks good in colour.

Here I changed this shot were I made the artist in black and white so he stood out in front of a colourful background. Secondly I fixed the sunglasses lens by making them the same colour of dark grey that the frames are. I also put  two white dots at the top left hand of the lens to act like there was a reflection of a strobe light.

I then added text to my album cover with the name of my artist as well as the title of the song that I am doing for my music video. the reason that I have put it on my album cover as it is supposed to act to encourage individuals to look it up and watch the music video. Secondly I have a quote off VICE magazine which ahs a large online following. Which fits in for my genre of music which is followed by a large proportion of young people who usually get there information or news from online.

The disk skin cover, I decided to make it a different contrast compared to the rest of my digipak as well as my magazine advert. This is because one for a better phrase I wanted to switch things up. I wanted to make it clear and simple the title of the artist I also wanted to make it similar to vinyl designs with the all black background.

For the back of my cd cover with some of the songs in my album, I also changed the colour of my font added a boarder to it so it is more visable to the reader. Secondly the song in my music video is white and not yellow like all the other tracks as it stands out as it is supposed to be the top attraction for song. This helps create a brand identity as again I have a picture of a club in the background with a strong contrast which looks strange therefore interests individuals. Additionally the club scene relates to my magazine album avert, album cover and my music video keeping congruency thus creating a strong brand identity.

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