Friday 1 May 2015

Magazine final cut

I decided the image below as my final magazine advert I have kept continuity with my digipak, inserts and my music video as I have included sunglasses on. This is similar to David Guetta album covers with eh use of sunglasses.  I also brought out in "CARTOON" FONT in red the name of the artist saying out now in red italic as I felt that this would stand out and the colour red represent danger, which links to the lyrics of my song "I can't stop". As when  one think of those lyrics usually one thinks of danger. Furthermore I have put an image of iTunes in the corner as this relates to ales as most selling of albums is done online now. Furthermore most of my target audience age is between 18-24 year olds who usually use the internet more than any other average age group so iTunes is very important advertising as it will boost sales.

Bellow you can see my rough cut for my magazine as you can see it has the picture of the main protagonist in the centre however ii later rejected this idea as it looked out  of place and by later moving it to the bottem tight corner it smothed it out. Secondly I also added a barcode as my rough cut didn't have it. It is the obvious from looking at my rough cut and my final cut of my magazine advert cover that I have taken on board the negative comments from my questionnaire to the participant 7 who were my peers and one that was a teacher. 

Here is a screenshot of me using  InDesign. This helped me create a font, that stands out and is bright which fits in the codes and conventions of house music of bright colours therefore creates a brand identity. 

Here is a screenshot of a tool on Photoshop were I was able to smooth the edges of the picture of the artist to make it look more professional and effective as a pice as a magazine advert.

Here is the icons InDesining and Photoshop that I used to help create  my magazine cover advert

Here is a image or Rihanna's new album in a magazine advert. what's similar to in is both have the artists face on them. However Rihanna's has a couple of her new songs this is something that I did consider however I didn't want to overcomplicate my advert I wanted to keep it simple. 

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