Monday 4 May 2015

Changes I made i made from my rough cut magazine advert and how i did it

Here is a screen shot of me using InDesign on a iMac. I took my rough cut and followed what my cristcms were such as the font is hardtop read therefore I put a boarder around it. Therefore it would be more clearer to the audience.

Below is the icon of the programme I used InDesign.

I then used photo shop to move the picture of the artist to the bottem hand corner. I then helped smooth around the boaders with a tool on photoshop. Secondlyy I took a picture off google images o a barcode I then cropped it then applied it in photoshop. Put a new layer on my new photo and put the barcode on the bottom left of my magazine advert cover.

I Then used phtoshop of my phots image to brighten up my image and change the contrast of it

Here is my rough cut I will have to change this as it doesn't fit in with the codes and conventions of a typical magazine advert, as it looks like a color therefore i will need to make changes to my final advert to make sure it fits in with the codes and conventions of a typical magazine advert. 

Sunday 3 May 2015

Programes I used to create my digipak- album cover, back cover, disk prink

Photoshop was used to help create and cut the image change the affects to it then incorporate it into iMovie put a filter on just the artist then put that pack into photo shop change th e

Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing software application produced by Adobe Systems. It can be used to create works such as posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers and books. InDesign can also publish content suitable for tablet devices in conjunction with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite.

Friday 1 May 2015

Digipak final design

I used an imac as its the most technologically advanced computer that I could get my hands on as well as the best programme to run Photoshop on due to the range of options you can do to create a photo.

This is my final cut for my digipak as one can see below is the front cover of my album.

I then took a picture on my phone in a club then filtered it on Photoshop where I distorted it, this is because I needed it to look crazy in club or make it look that a drug is taking affect. as it links in with my songs lyrics "I can't stop".

Below are the different stages of designing my final cut and comparing them to my final cut.

Above is my first rough cut however it didn't go to plan as in my sunglasses there was the reflect of the computer I originally took my picture from therefore I used Photoshop to cover my glasses in black so you couldn't see the computer monitor. However the only problem is that it looks unnatural as the rest of the sun glases isn't that colour. therefore the image below shows the difference in sun glases on the lens as I took the same shade of grey that is on the actual sunglasses and applied it to the lens.

I then screenshotted the image then cut it out placed it in iMovie then added a fileter to it where it was black and white.

I also used photoshop to use the club image to put the cartoon  filter on it so it looks like its a more crazy scene, as well as attract the audience. It also links to my music video with that affect with the lighting. Therefore it is keeping a croguent link between my digipaks as well as my music video creating again a robust brand.

I then added on Photoshop two dots of white on my sunglasses as it creates a reflection such as a disco ball in a club.

Here is the back of my cd cover with some of the songs in my album, I also changed the colour of my font added a boarder to it so it is more visable to the reader. Secondly the song in my music video is white and not yellow like all the other tracks as it stands out as it is supposed to be the top attraction for song.

Here is a template I acquired from google images which  then put the image into Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing software application produced by Adobe Systems. It can be used to create works such as posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers and books. That's why it is great to help design the print on my disk as I am able to black out the background then create a font, then bend it so it then looks professional.

For the disk skin cover I decided to make it a different contrast compared to the rest of my digipak as well as my magazine advert. This is because one for a better phrase I wanted to switch things up. I wanted to make it clear and simple the title of the artist I also wanted to make it similar to vinyl designs with the all black background.

Here is the CD skin of a house music artist Tchami, note its is very  similar to my CD print. as it has a dark  background with the text with a white colour as well as the artists name presented.