Tuesday 11 November 2014


Limone Italy

I chose the snowy mountains in Italy as possible location for filming as the geography of the area is imposing and stunning so will attract viewers who were watching my music video. Therefore I may be using this location in my music video.


Shots of people skiing fast which will be edited to the beat of the music and will represent a sense of out of control and not being able to stop. Relating to the songs lyric- "I can't stop". Therefore I will be using this location in my music video.

Club Scene

These scene will be vital as they follow the codes and conventions of house music, furthermore there are plenty of good clubs that I can go into to film in, such as Rock City. Furthermore it links to most other digipaks of house genre having a picture of the music scene. this help the audience quickly identify that it is a house music song. this will be vital in securing my target audience which will be interested in the clubbing scene as they are young and are still relatively novices for the club scene. So it is still more likely to be appealing towards a 18-30 year old range then someone in there 40s or 50s. Therefore as I will want to include it in my shooting as I have included it in my animatic.


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