Tuesday 11 November 2014



This is an important prop as it follows the codes and conventions of a music videos and relates to the party atmosphere. When advertising alcohol in my music video I will make sure that it is part of the music video, the aim of which is to sell the artist and not the alcohol. Alcohol also acts as advertising the party lifestyle.  That is why I will be using this particular style of prop in my music video.


Will be useful in shooting scenes on the road that represents speed and can symbolise the build up of speed of the music video. That is why I will be using this particular style of prop in my music video.

Designer Clothing and provocative Clothing

This will be important as designer clothing is important for my target audience of 18-30 year olds as it is seen as important for them to dress in Designer clothes when they go out to town. That is why I will be using this particular style of prop in my music video.


Even though Skis don't have a direct link to the codes and conventions and what you would expect as a prop for house music video. However it does relate to my Lyrics "I can't stop" as they are an object that does make you go fast. That is why I will be using this particular style of prop in my music video.

Sound System

It will be important to have this as this acts as my instrument as this is what house musicians such as Djs would use, however it is hard to get my hands on therefore that is why I will not be using this particular style of prop in my music video.

Strobe Lighting

It is important as house music is associated with clubs and strobe lighting is in clubs, displays excitement and a fast pace. Which I can then later edit for my song.



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