Tuesday 11 November 2014



This is an important prop as it follows the codes and conventions of a music videos and relates to the party atmosphere. When advertising alcohol in my music video I will make sure that it is part of the music video, the aim of which is to sell the artist and not the alcohol. Alcohol also acts as advertising the party lifestyle.  That is why I will be using this particular style of prop in my music video.


Will be useful in shooting scenes on the road that represents speed and can symbolise the build up of speed of the music video. That is why I will be using this particular style of prop in my music video.

Designer Clothing and provocative Clothing

This will be important as designer clothing is important for my target audience of 18-30 year olds as it is seen as important for them to dress in Designer clothes when they go out to town. That is why I will be using this particular style of prop in my music video.


Even though Skis don't have a direct link to the codes and conventions and what you would expect as a prop for house music video. However it does relate to my Lyrics "I can't stop" as they are an object that does make you go fast. That is why I will be using this particular style of prop in my music video.

Sound System

It will be important to have this as this acts as my instrument as this is what house musicians such as Djs would use, however it is hard to get my hands on therefore that is why I will not be using this particular style of prop in my music video.

Strobe Lighting

It is important as house music is associated with clubs and strobe lighting is in clubs, displays excitement and a fast pace. Which I can then later edit for my song.




Limone Italy

I chose the snowy mountains in Italy as possible location for filming as the geography of the area is imposing and stunning so will attract viewers who were watching my music video. Therefore I may be using this location in my music video.


Shots of people skiing fast which will be edited to the beat of the music and will represent a sense of out of control and not being able to stop. Relating to the songs lyric- "I can't stop". Therefore I will be using this location in my music video.

Club Scene

These scene will be vital as they follow the codes and conventions of house music, furthermore there are plenty of good clubs that I can go into to film in, such as Rock City. Furthermore it links to most other digipaks of house genre having a picture of the music scene. this help the audience quickly identify that it is a house music song. this will be vital in securing my target audience which will be interested in the clubbing scene as they are young and are still relatively novices for the club scene. So it is still more likely to be appealing towards a 18-30 year old range then someone in there 40s or 50s. Therefore as I will want to include it in my shooting as I have included it in my animatic.


Ideas for Video


I thought it would be a good idea to use a Cameleon changing its colour of its skin then editing it ti the beat of the music. It links into house music as many house music videos are full of colourful images or inudendos such as many of Hannah Wants music Video touch it. however overall it was a good idea however there was practical problem, is that I didn't have access to one. Furthermore it was an interesting idea however its hard to see how it will connect to the youth of today particularly as they are my target audience, particularly the youth of the U.K. which a large proportion will probably not know what is a Cameleon is. So I had to reject this idea.

Speed Dial

Speed dial on a car to represent power speed and the imminent drop of the music.It is also a good analogy to show power and speed of the music at different parts of the song. furthermore it does connect to the target audience as they are young so are aspirational and can make the link between car speed dial and the beat if the song. So I kept on this idea.


A Dog in my music video would be useful as an aid to edit to the beat as it builds up or slows down. It feature in other house artist such as Skrillex.  Furthermore I understand that having an animal is paramount in my music video for me as it switches things up in terms of props, they can be used to represent many parts of my song and they relate to a young target audience as animals are popular particularly dogs in that demographic. So I kept on this idea.

Club Scene

This is probably one of the most important scenes in my music video as it follows the codes and conventions of a typical music video. Furthermore it links to most other digipaks of house genre having a picture of the music scene. this help the audience quickly identify that it is a house music song. this will be vital in securing my target audience which will be interested in the clubbing scene as they are young and are still relatively novices for the club scene. So it is still more likely to be appealing towards a 18-30 year old range then someone in there 40s or 50s.


Filming Schedule


Time- 9:30pm-2am
Date- 1/3/15
Frames- nightclubs, clock, trams, buildings at night, police, traffic during the night time


Time- 9:00am-4:30pm
Date- 18/2/15-24/2/15
Frames Mountains, Skiing down the mountain fast, crashing


Time- 9pm-3am
Date- 14/3/15
Frames dancing, drinking, focusing on shots of costumes and faces

Daytime Shots

Time- 11am-2pm
Date- 8/3/15
Frames shots of speed dial on car, traffic during the day, motorway traffic, driving shots

Comparison to what I actually did

Overall for the majority I did actually follow my filming schedule as I couldn't really do it any other time, for example I only had less than a week to get all the ski footage that I needed. However I did need to re-shoot certain shots, such as going to town again to get a few more shots as the time when I went to film there wasn't that many people in town as the day I went and how early, I went. Therefore I went on the busiest day to therefore to fit the codes and conventions of a typical house music video.



Typical house music wear

Here is typical house music wear, males usually always have rolled up sleeves as clubs are hot.. Also the t-shirt is baggy as it it supposed to represent being relaxed. The jeans are skinny as this is fashion at the moment secondly house artist such as Calvin Harris wears similar jeans. The shoes are meant to club proof and they have a sick sole and aren't flimsily like pumps so are suitable. For females and vintage sport jacket is usually shown in house music and it is to have some symbolism to drugs, as there is lots of pockets to hide stuff. Secondly the jeans are lose as this is displayed in house culture clothing is to be relaxed.

Men's Designer Wear

This is associated with what men wear when they go out or party, furthermore if my music gains a lot of views I could use product placement, with some designer wear.


Monday 10 November 2014

Explanation of song choice- I Can't Stop

"I can't stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
I can't stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
I can't stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
I I can't can't stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
I can't stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
I can't stop stop"

The Lyrics aren't complex nor is their variety in them. However they don't need to be as it is a house song and the codes and conventions of most house songs don't follow complex lyrics with variety. The purpose of the lyrics is to assist the beat of the music particularly when the repartition of "stop" comes in to play. When the beat picks up and quickens in pace and sounds out of control the lyrics "I can't stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop" The word "stop" does well to counteract with the fast pace of the beat. The line "I can't stop" illustrates something out of control such as a fast paced skier flying down a mountain or crashing. the word "stop" symbolises a stop sign or something.

Furthermore I Can't Stop is a catchy house song that has a steady beat that builds up with a big drop, which personally I am into that genre of house music were it builds up then drops. I go to many clubs such as Stealth located in Nottingham, that is famous for playing house music. Furthermore it is easier to follow the codes and conventions of house music by editing to the beat of the music. particularly if it is obvious where and when the beat changes as it is for my chosen song. Furthermore there is lyrics in my song which is "I can't stop", where I will need to use lip syncing which I have already perfected my skills at. With my Lip Syncing  filming and practice, where I used Megan to lip sync a One Direction song. I also realise that I will  poetically achieve more marks with the use of lip syncing in my music video. Furthermore the song ignited a lot of ideas of what I could use for shots and props in my music video.

Friday 7 November 2014

Target audience collage

Through research that I have conducted I have found that House music is mostly listened to by people ranging from late teens to mid twenties, with no substantial difference between men or women listeners. This type of genre is mostly popular with people heavily involved in the club/party scene. House music is also popular with young people that go to University and may have a low disposable income. Geographically house music is popular across the world as whole, however there is hotspots were it is more popular such as Ibiza and Ayia Napa. The bottom right picture is supposed to be an analogy of a squeeze on finances house music is usually associated with young people of students who are just getting started in life therefore don't have a large salary, what they do have however is a large amount of disposable income as they only have to spend money on themselves.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Moodboard-To represent chosen genre- House


The reason I chose the picture displayed is because house music is associated with partying. Secondly house music is usually played in clubs particularly during the 1990s and now the 2010s. I have a power dial there displaying that house music is all about pushing the limits and almost an explosion.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Anamatic- I can't stop storyboard and treatment ot my anamatic usuing Goodwins Theory and shot list


I chose to use traffic as it symbolizes the lyrics of I can't stop", furthermore the switch between night and day is supposed to act as an establishing shot to show the urban transport. additionally it shows that the protagonist can't remember the day and is having mixed memories of what has actually happened. I wanted a over head shot of Nottingham as again it sets the scene. I wanted a shot of as it shows power and speed which symbolizes lyrics again I can't stop". Furthermore it relates to drugs when the individual reaches there peak after taking a drug. It is also important to show club scenes as it fits the genre of many music house music videos and thus follows the codes and conventions. I need people to dance as this shows lots of movement and people looking like they're off there face and not being able to stop. This is just my initial and I anticipate that there will be numerous changes when my rough cut and final cut are released. I chose the snowy mountains as possible location for filming as the geography of the area is imposing and stunning so will attract viewers who were watching my music video. It would be good for the opening sequence of my music video.

Treatment to my music video applying Goodwin's theory of music videos

As for Goodwin's theory of music videos, I want to create an animatic  that  can be easily transformed into a music video as you can see from my animatic my music video will be edited to the beat of the music, with fast and exciting changes in shots such as traffic and the difference between night and day, with many effects included with them. I also want to create a strong relationship between lyrics and visuals, e.g. "I can't stop" with displaying something that is out of control As you can tell from my animatic. It  is important as you can tell from my anaemic that I will follow the codes and conventions of typical house music scenes such as clubs as Goodwin argued that music videos demonstrate genre characteristics. Goodwin argues that record labels may want close up on the artist face I will supply these shots to a certain extent with my music video however, I still have to tie in with the codes and conventions of house music shots on there artist so I will not show all the artist face. I will have dancers in my music video as this follows the codes and conventions of a typical house music video.

Shot List

Mountain range- long shot with hand held shot
Traffic- Long shot- stationary shot
town center- Panning crane long shot
blender- close up stationary
tying shoelaces- close up
speed dial- close up
drinks on a shelf-mid panning shot 
people dancing- mid shot
town center- panning crane long shot
dog-mid shot hand held
traffic- long shot