Tuesday 14 October 2014

How I looked for my Artist

I mainly looked on the internet for my chosen artist. At the inception of looking for my chosen artist I didn't know what genre I was too look at. I used websites such as  http://www.unsigned.com.

 After much listening, I decided to narrow my genre choice down to house as it was a genre I was familiar with, I would enjoy editing my footage to the beat of the music and lastly there is a large variety so I therefore had much choice. I couldn't find anything that really caught my ear, until I went on YouTube and found my song I chose. The song I came across and chose is "I can't stop" by Flux Pavilion. The song is typical of the house genre with the fast paced energetic beat it has and this is why I chose him.

I used You Tube as a search tool as it's the site with the biggest music collection on the internet, so by this time I used You Tube I realised that I was probably after a house music, I looked through House music channels such as "How Deep is your House". This gave me the option to sift through many songs, until I felt that I found  the right one.

I disagreed using sound cloud as  I felt the choice was very limited in what I could find I also couldn't find that many unsigned artist which I was looking for therefore I discarded sound cloud.

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