Wednesday 1 October 2014

Music video anylysis applying Goodwins theory of music videos

Daft Punk- Around the World

This is the music video of Around the world by Daft Punk, is a real anomaly in terms of following the codes and conventions of a typical house music video and Goodwin's theory of music videos. However if one looks carefully it does follow the codes and conventions of house music videos to a certain extent in a certain way. For example the beat is represented however through the use of the individuals in particularly costumes on screen. For example the figures dressed in tracksuits with  head costume that link to the fast pace bass guitar. There is a circular motion that
is to represent a vinyl. It is to show a merger between the future and the past. Furthermore this follows Goodwin's Theory as there is a illustration of visuals a lyrics. As people walking around in a circle is to illiterate to the audience and the lyrics, the title "Around the World".

There is a range of camera shots used, with the establishing shot showing everything within the scene along with all the protagonists. There is close up shots to focus the audience on specific spots of importance, such as particular dancers that dance to the beat of the music. The editing of the music video is very minimal. Therefore doesn't follow the typical codes and conventions of a house music video. As the editing isn't  fast paced or quickly cut either. The sound used in the video is also minimal with no dietetic sound for  effect. On the other hand this is compensated by the vocals that have been auto-tuned and edited in a futuristic robot like voice to make the song sound futuristic and unique. Which becomes attractive as a song.
Mise-en-scene plays a key factor for this music video. For example the silver helmets are a symbol of daft punk. Its a flagship part of there costume, that makes them easily identifiable. The costume of five groups of dancers are unique, this is to illustrate the diversity of the world and the people of the world. One of Goodwin's theory's of music videos is that the record label which the artist has signed for may want a unique style to one of  there music videos. I would say for Daft Punk for there music video around the world I would argue that this happened as there music video is very unique.

Justin Bieber- Confident

In the video, Bieber tries to seduce a young woman in a gas station but he missteps with an ineffective pun-based pickup line. Although he definitely piques her interest, she says he has to “try harder than that” to get her. Bieber spends most of video following her around and singing and dancing about how into her he is. A group of dancers is also shown dancing with Bieber. During its end, the singer surprises his love interest with a sensual kiss; he then asks her, "Can I have your number now?" while she gives a positive response.

This follows the typical codes and conventions of an R&B video. One of Goodwin's theory's of music videos is that music videos follow genre characteristics such as main protagonist is wearing casual clothes with a smart edge, most male artists dressed in smart/smart casual clothing. The video also displays the importance of jewellery as it is the most conventional piece of clothing in both R&B and Hip-Hop genres. In every R&B video you see, some sort of jewellery, whether that be a watch, a necklace, or an earring, the artist will have some form of jewellery, again, showing wealth and status in society. The main protagonist does display tattoos on his body. Tattoos are a big part of R&B culture again, with the majority of R&B artists having lots of tattoos. Tattoos are used to illustrate the creativity of the artist.  One of Goodwin's theory's of music videos is that the record label might want close ups on  the artists face as it helps boost there brand therefore an artist that is as big as Justin Bieber is used as it used to attract the audience.

David Guetta- Sexy Chick

David Guetta, is a French house music producer;  he achieved mainstream success in 2009 with his new song Sexy Chick, it reached number 1 in the United Kingdom. Guetta used R&B artist Akon to feature in his music as well as video, giving a hybrid of genres, R&B and House. The video was filmed in Ibiza, Barcelona, Spain, and Swindon, England around July 27, 2009.

Sexy Chick is directed by  Schuster. Akon, who is the artist that features in the music video wakes up and finds pictures of his date from David Guetta's pool party. This reflects how the music video of the times with the glorification of alcohol and partying. It also displays tot he target audience, young people. That drinking is good and fun.  He then finds lipstick note on his mirror that reads "find me at pool party" with yet another photo. This follows the codes and conventions of house music and sexuality.    As the party starts, people enter; a group of teenage boys are not allowed but they employ various methods to get in. This is supposed to mirror the male target audience wanting to get into the party and be there.  The camera flicks to Guetta arriving meeting up with Akon, who then grabs Guetta and they throw each other in the pool. This is supposed to represent the friendship between Guetta and Akon. The party continues as Akon pushes more people in, girls dance and Akon with Guetta are shown to be having a water fight. Voyremism is used here to act the scene as Sexual during the watertight. Voyremsim is used to sell the music video through sex appeal. Throughout the music video females in the music videos are wearing very little. This again is to attract the male audience. As Goodwin says and it is true for sexy, there is a sufficient relationship between music and visuals. For example when the word sexy chick comes up, the camera switches to beautiful girls dancing provocatively with very little clothes on. overall "Sexy Chick" does closely follow the codes and conventions of a typical music video. It also follows Goodwins theory as there is relationship between music and visuals as shot are edited to the beat of the music.


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