Friday 17 October 2014

Why I chose my Artist and research I used - Flux Pavilion

Flux Pavilion

My chosen artist is Flux Pavilion who is a English DJ who produces house music. House music is a genre that I have become very much interested in and didn't know really anything about until a couple years ago. It wasn't until I started going to clubs. I have always wanted to do a  house music video as it does seem fun and something that I would enjoy editing to the beat and using the visuals to the link to the beat is a skill and craft I would like to acquire. As I believe that it shows real editing skills and gives me the ability to fully display my creative ideas and skills. Flux Pavilion is known for his house music he creates and the big drops. He is most well known for his song I cant stop. Which was used in films such as The Great Gatsby and Rush. Which are both films that I am a fan of. So I have a connection to the Artist. Furthermore my Artist is English and I am a patriot so I believe that it is important to help support national artist. I researched my artist from events that he has attended such as Rock City so I asked for information at the desk about the artist, such as who he attracts for his audience, who are his fans and what type of his audience demographic is. This research will also be crucial in me to understand what my music video will be like and what to which type of audience I will be trying to aim my music video, digipak and magazine advert at. I found out that from some of the venue my artist has attended is that his target audience is 18-24 year old demographic. This is what I would have guessed and is what I am hopping for as I am a young person my self so I can guess who my media project needs to be catered at.

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