Friday 19 December 2014

Possible photos/images that reflect/represent genre


The Stop sign definitely represent the album as it relates to the lyrics "I can't stop". Secondly STOP signs are usually found in urban areas. Urban areas are places where most house music is played.The song I can't stop does create this image in my head.
Skiing also brings an image to my mind as it symbolises being out of control that goes along with the lyrics "I can't stop". furthermore the line "I can't stop" is a reference to the effects of drugs, therefore skiing can act as a reference to gathering speed and momentum of the drug/drugs taking affect.
Here is a image of a bright action pack clubs scene, which is where most house music is played as I have said before. Secondly my artist would play events or gigs at venues such as night clubs. lastly,  many of my audiences age range that listen to my genre of music, house. They spend a large amount of there leisure time in clubs, so if I put this in my digipak it would attract the target audience more easily.